
- Write This command into the C++

/*This is a program That computes the sum of two integer number*/

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()

int X,Y,sum ;
cout <<"\nEnter first number:";
cin >>X;
cout <<"\nEnter second number:";
cin >>Y;
sum = X+Y;
cout <<"\nsum ="<<sum;

return 0;

1)Compile the project

2) run the program

3) insert the data and get the result


1. How to
a. Compilation process

b. Execute the program

2. What is C++ Programming
- C++ Program to output an integer, a floating point number and a character.
- C++ Program to find the sum, difference, product and quotient of two integers.
- Program to enter two integers and find their sum and average.

- Learn to create a programming using command in C++
- Learn how to run and printing the program.

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